About Aussie Health Girl

Eat Real Food
Everybody, Everyday
Whole Food Ground Down
Happy Gut Health
Make it, Eat it, Love it
My journey into the health industry began as a young child. I am of German heritage and was raised with my two brothers in the German community of Melbourne. We knew German before we knew English but being bilingual now is something of an advantage.
My grandmother was an amazing cook, everything was rich and decadent, not always healthy but wow it tasted good. My grandparents who lived in Adelaide (also with a large German population) were renowned for their parties. In the holidays when my brothers and I were shipped off to stay with them we were in awe of the festivities. There was always a whole pig on a spit along with some chickens, a buffet of salads and the most incredible assortment of cakes, gateaux’s and tarts, everything hand made, everything fresh and everything made and consumed with love and happiness.
Those memories have stuck with me and I think that is where I have my love of entertaining from. Although my grandmother never parted with a recipe (they were all in her head), I understood the art of creating something worth sharing. There is so much joy in watching people delight in the flavours and combinations of food presented to them. I am definitely a freestyle cook like my grandmother, but I have just taken it to another level, respecting the original version and tweaking it a little to create something just as delicious, only healthier.
I had three children of my own in very quick succession. When my daughter and third child was born, one son was just 15 months and the oldest had just turned 3. I was born to be a Mum, I love it with every being of my soul, however being a single Mum to three small children was not something I had counted on, but I made it my mission to do the very best I could. I was determined to raise my kids in a happy, loving and healthy environment.
Three pregnancies had taken their toll on my body and I had retained a lot of weight after my daughter’s birth. I knew diets were not the answer, I had been on many of them as a teenager and failed miserably, so I made a pact with myself that I would only eat what made my body feel good, what nourished me and had a positive impact on my health. This is where women’s intuition is a valuable tool. We all have it, we just need to tap into it! Well the weight started to fall off, I had boundless energy (and needed it to keep up with the kids) and even though I was still dealing with the breakdown of my marriage, my emotional and mental state was strong, calm and clear.
I realised there was more to this state of well being and decided that it would be worth studying further in the field of health. I enrolled in a Naturopathic degree, and after six years of studying, working part time and raising my kids, I graduated. It was pretty clear my passion firmly lay with family health, particularly children's nutrition and the impact it could have on the whole family. By changing the way we eat we can change our state of health, our state of mind, and thereby our future! Again I had found another life purpose, to inspire women and their families that their wellbeing is in their hands, that we can raise happy healthy children without all the common illnesses we see today and we can make a positive contribution to the future health of our community.
Aussie Health Girl is my way of reaching out and hopefully inspiring you to make some positive changes that will give you the ability to live your life with the energy and vitality you deserve.
My hope is that I hope you find something that will resonate with you, a recipe that your family will love, joy that lifts your spirit and a love for sharing something new with the people in your life.
At the end of the day I like to think that I have done the very best I can, that I have made the most of opportunities, made someone smile, inspired my kids, nourished my body with wholesome foods and most of all been kind to myself. I am imperfectly perfect, I am evolving, I am learning and when I lay my head on that pillow I am grateful for another day of sharing my passion with the world!